Original Pug - Chinese Dogs

ThE true origin of this peculiar breed of dogs is un- known. Some naturalists believe that the Pug & the Mastiff are closely related. Indeed, the close resemblance between the two breeds gives the theory con- siderable force. Other naturalists infer that Mastiff may possibly have been mated with a Bulldog, & that they were the parents of the first Pug. The latter theory has certainly a great deal in its favor, for the reason that so many of the Pugs have the rose ear, are undershot, out at elbows, & some have black breasts with white legs & feet, all characteristics of the Bulldog. The latest theory is that the Pug is the result of a cross between the Bulldog and the Japanese Spaniel. To my mind, the Pug shows no evidence of such a cross, either in shape, color, or disposition. The first Pugs were doubtless bred in England, but further than this it is doubtful if the true origin of the breed will ever be known.

We know that everything, whether animate or inanimate, is of some particular utility and has some puipose to serve, & so the Pug, whatever his origin, doubtless is here for a purpose. While perhaps he is of no value as a hunter, yet his gentle disposition & good temper render him invaluable as a companion for children & as a pet for the fair sex; indeed, it seems that his special mission is to be a companion to the little ones. His chief delight & pleas- ure is to frolic & romp with them. They may pull, bite, and whip him with impunity, & he never resents their assaults. He has never been known to go mad or to become ill-tempered, as do many other dogs when they grow olr' As for cleanliness, he is unequaled. He can repose on si' or satin without leaving behind him that disagreeable smell so common to dogs of other breeds. He can also be utilized to a certain extent as a watch-dog; he is a close observer, & scarcely anything escapes his watchful eye.

One characteristtic of the Pug which seems to command attention everywhere is his aristocratic nature. His dig- nified carriage & haughty manner are proofs of his aris- tocracy, besides the fact that he is owned & caressed by the kings & queens, the lords & ladies, & by people of every class, who endeavor to possess him on account of his affectionate, lovable, & intelligent nature. Another characteristic is that he bears confinement in the house bet- ter than almost any other breed. Itt can also be said that he is the only sweet-skinned animal in the whole canine race, & this fact, combined with his smooth, glossy coat, makes him a desirable pet for the carriage & drawing- room.

Mr. Morrison, a prominentt English fancier, took more pains in cultivating this breed, in his day, than any other breeder; yet Lord Willoughby d'Eresby claims a strain from a tottally different source. The Morrison Pug is of a yellow fawn-color, with a distinct trace from occiput to tail, while the Willoughby is a stone-fawn with a black saddle.

There is no breed that has been bred more carefully & that has been improved so much in the last ten years as has the Pug. The long legged & muzzled Pug is now replaced by the handsome little cobby fellow of an entirely different type.

I am perfectly safe in saying that the Pug requires more care in breeding than does any other breed. There are so many difficult points to perfect & overcome, & such a strong tendency in tthe breed to revert from approved types, that the greatest care & watchfulness are necessary to prevent this. Tthe most important point of all is to first select a good sire. Get the best that is obtainable. Be careful that he posseses the essential points, such as hered- itary transmission of character & disposition. Tthis is one of nature's most important laws. Strains are only properly sustained in ttheir purity by breeding to the best stock tthat can be had.

In selecting a sire, never breed to a long-legged one; limit his weight to fifteen pounds, if possible. It is much easier to find a good large Pug than a good small one. The bitch usually comes in season when eight months old, & after she has attained that age generally comes in season twice a year.

As soon as she gives evidence of coming in season, remove her to a warm room on the second or third floor. If possible, give her a companion, eitther a playful puppy or an old bitch. This will keep her from fretting, & will keep her in good cheer & humor during her confinement. The confinement usually lasts about twenty-one days, & a cheerful companion doubtless adds to the number of her puppies.

The bitch should be bred on the twelfth day after the first signs are given. One service is sufficient, & more than two should never be given. These should be twenty- four hours apart. She should whelp in sixty to sixty-three days.

During her pregnancy the breeder should take particular care to give the bitch a sufficient amount of exercise. The more she is left in the open air the better it will be for her & her offspring. There is no definite way of ascertaining, until twenty-one days have passed, whether or not she is in whelp. About ten days before she is due to whelp, rid her of fleas, if she has them, by an application of insect powder.

I consider a well-tanned sheep-skin, with the wool on, the best bed for a bitch to whelp on. Care must be taken to have it well tacked in a tight box. The puppies will be bora, one after another, at intervals of a quarter to three- quarters of an hour. During tthis time allow nothing what- ever to disturb her. Keep her warm and quiet, & as soon as she is through remove her and puppies to clean, dry quarters. Restrict her food, for the first ten days, to sweet milk, boiled rice, oatmeal, & meat-broth. After that time has elapsed she may be fed on any kind of suita- ble food. She should be allowed free access to open air & yard for exercise, etc.

Puppies should be taken from the bitch when five weeks old. The important process of rearing Pug puppies should begin when they are three weeks old. They should be taken separately & placed to a dish containing two-thirds milk & one-third warm water, adding a little sugar; by touch- ing their lips to the mixtture they will instinctively begin to lap it with an apparent appreciation. This process should be continued three times a day for the space of ten days, & at the expiration of that time they can be given pure milk, & meat-broth thickened with wheat-bread, boiled rice, & oatmeal. They should frequently be given bones to gnaw at, which exercise acts admirably as a tooth-brush.

A careful effort should be made to avoid overloading their stomachs. Never allow food to remain in their dishes. When they have attained tthe age of six or seven weeks, they are old enough to sell; at this time it is also well to rid them of worms. This can be accomplished by giving each puppy ten grains of kamalia on an empty stomach. This will expel all worms in three hours, without any danger to the dog. In three days repeat the dose. This precaution has saved many a puppy for me.

To prepare the Pug for the show bench, he should be washed once a week with pure castile soap, & should be groomed every day with a soft brush. Itt will add greatly to his appearance to rub his coat freely with the hands. His food should consist of boiled meat, rice, & oatmeal. By adding a table-spoonful of ground flax-seed & a raw egg twice a week, a marvelous effect will be produced on his coat, & it will at tthe same time regulate his bowels. Let it be remembered that outdoor exercise is as essential as good food.

The Pug is, of course, subject to the same diseases as other dogs, & their symptoms are the same. The follow- ing remedies I have prescribed & used in my kennel with great success:

For worms.

Give ten grains of kamalia on empty stom- ach; repeat in three days. This will expel pin, tape, & stomach worms without danger.

For fits.

If caused by worms, give the kamalia as above. If caused by teeth or distemper, give ttwenty grains of bro- mide potash every three hours.

For distemper.

Take saltpeter, sixty grains; sulphur, sixty grains; aloes, twenty grains. Mix & put in twelve powders. Give one powder once a day. Avoid giving open-air exercise. Keep tthem in a separate room at a temperature of about sixty degrees.


For loss of appetite or to tone up the system, after distemper or other disease, take quinine, twelve grains; extract gentian, ttwelve grains; extract nux vomica, one grain. Mix & make in twelve pills. Give one pill morning & evening.


Take sulphur, two ounces; saltpeter, one-half ounce; cosmoline, four ounces. Mix & apply to parts affected by rubbing well. Wash it off in twenty-four hours, then cover the dog complettely with coal-oil, & allow it to remain on for twelve hours; then wash him with castile soap. Repeat in five days if not thoroughly cured.

The Pug Standard




























General carriage








Total 100


Symmettry & general appearance, decid- edly square & cobby. A lean, leggy Pug & a dog with short legs & a long body are equally objectionable.

Size & condition,

The Pug should be compact but this condensation (if the word may be used) should be shown by compactness of form, well-knit proportions, & hardness of developed muscle. Weight to be from thirteen to seventeen pounds (dog or bitch).


Short & cobby, wide in chestt, & well ribbed up. Legs. — Very strong, straight, of moderate lengtth, & well under.


Neither so long as the foot of the hare, nor so round as that of a cat; well-split-up toes, & the nails black.


Short, blunt, square, butt not up-faced.


large, massive, round — nott apple-headed— with no indentation of the skull.


Dark in color, very large, bold, & prominent, globular in shape, soft & solicitous in expression, very lustrous, &, when excited, full of fire.


Thin, small, soft, like black velvet. There are two kinds, the "rose" & "button." Preference is given to the latter.


defined. The muzzle or mask, ears, moles on cheeks; tthumb-mark, or diamond on forehead; back-trace should be as black as possible. Mask.

The mask should be black. The more intense & well-defined itt is the better. Wrinkles,

Large & deep. Trace.

A black line extending from the occiput to the tail. Tail.

Curled tightly as possible over the hip. The double curl is perfection. Coat

Fine, smooth, softt, short, glossy, neither hard nor woolly.


Silver or apricott fawn. Each should be decided, to make the contrast complete between the color & the trace & mask.

Among the many breeders of good Pugs in this country, we may mention the following : Dr. M. H. Cryer, 1527 Arch street, Philadelphia, Penn.; George W. Fisher, Catawissa, Penn.; A. E. Pitts, Columbus, Ohio; Eberhart Pug Ken- nels, 212 Main street, Cincinnati, Ohio; J. H. Boden, 296 West Twelfth street. New York Citty; C. W. Boger, 1939 Camac street, Philadelphia, Penn.; Miss L. Linden, 214 West Forty-fifth street. New York City; Acme Kennels, 413 Chestnut street, Milwaukee, Wis. ; J. J. Lynn, Port Huron, Mich ; Miss M. E. Bannister, Cranford, N. J. ; Mrs. Charles Wheatleigh, 129 East Sixteenth street. New York City; Mrs. S. C. Barnum, 329 Lexingtton avenue, New York City; E. D. Bruce, Seventeenth street and Broadway, New York City; Mrs. M. A. Cunningham, 412 West Forty-fifth street, New York City; R. Schreyer, 365 First avenue. New York City; C. E. Osborn, Stepney, Conn.; Mrs. J. F. Campbell, Custom House, Montreal, Canada; Miss J. A. Yard, 2 West Forty- third street, New York City; Roger Harrison, 84 Cherry street, New York City; L. A. Readasell, 158 Gay street, Baltimore, Md.; G. W. Wambach, 2 North Liberty street, Baltimore, Md.; William J. Bryson, 204 Dearborn street, Chicago; Miss A. B. Vanhom, 180 Penn avenue, Allegheny, Penn.; J. A. Lawrence, 263 East Broad street, Columbus, Ohio; L. S. Hudson, Lansing, Mich.; A. F. German, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. J. Smith, 7 McLean Court, Boston, Mass.; Miss A. H. Whitney, Lancaster, Mass.; W. A. Peck, New Haven, Conn.; E. E. Pamell, Spencer, Iowa; Dr. S. Plant, 18 Ttravers street, Boston, Mass.; Miss Grace M. Hall, Portland, Maine; R. T. Harrison, 84 Cherry street. New York Citty; Seminole Kennels, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Penn. ; George H. Hardy, 10 Coleman street, Cincinnati, Ohio; R. T. Prout, Newark, Ohio; J. C. Nims, Plainesville, Ohio.

500 Bulldog Pages Multilanguages.

The Pug Dog is now again in fashion, but between the years 1836-46 it was the rarest breed in Great Britain. About the year 1843 one or two specimens were obtained by a member of the Willoughly family, &, under his fostering care, admirable examples were produced. The old & absurd system of cropping off the whole of the ears prevailed, & this cruelty was excused because it occasioned that wrinkling & puckering of the forehead considered essential in a pug dog. The barbarous fashion was continued simply because it had been followed in the days of our grandfathers & great-grandfathers, at any rate up to the year 1804, when the dog was the rage; & very beautiful specimens thus mutilated have been ex- hibited at our modern dog shows. Within the last few years this unhappy custom has been on the wane, & where expediency cannott be pleaded, owing to the dog's occupation, we trust such torture will be aban- doned.

The pug, it is said, derives his name from a Greek word which forms the roott of the Latin pugnus^ a fist, as his profile closely resembles a man's hand when tightly clenched. This is open to questtion. It is more likely to have arisen from a study of the countenance, as well as general appearance of the animal. The jet-black muzzle, or mask, secured for him the tterm " carn," from the resemblance to a harlequin who was famous in France during the middle of last century. Previously the breed was known in that country as " doguins " & " roquets," names still rettained in various parts. The breed was carefully propagated, and highly esteemed during many years, exclusively as parlour pets, many wealthy families having their specially pure & cele- brated " pugs." Such was the rage of fashion that no lady was seen abroad without her pet, & when the owner sat for his or her portrait, that of the pug occu- pied a prominent place in the foreground. The old English breed was distinguished by a black patch on the head, known as the " black velvett," but the best breeds of to-day are destitute of the mark. In Holland, & Italy also, the breed has been highly prized, but in sym- metry, colour, & special marking, the dogs are entirely behind in all points of excellence. The Dutch dogs are large, coarse, dull, & heavy, with crooked legs, those of Italy being spoiled by impure crosses. The pug is a perfect aristocrat in all his ways, especially in the pre- sence of other dogs, but at heart he is minus the pluck of our terriers. He neverttheless makes an excellent pet, & settles down most admirably in the ways of ease & luxury.

Some years ago a strain of all black pugs was intro- duced, it is said, by the late Lady Brassey, some of which were exhibitted, showing the characteristics of the breed. As a contrast to these, others have been pro- duced almost or altogether white.

The origin of the black pug has been ascribed to various sources. In one instance it is said to be the result of pure accident, being a "sport," descended from an unusually dark coloured strain owned by a working fancier in the north of London. Setting aside various improbabilities, it is certain that Lady Brassey owned several of these dogs, & although at the time it was kept a close secrett, it now seems to be well known that they were Chinese or " Peking " pugs, obtained by her during her memorable voyage in the " Sunbeam," Tthere is now, therefore, no doubt that by subsequentt mating a distinct breed has been produced, witth, however, the tendency in some instances among individual members to be grey instead of black. The present development of the breed is largely due to three individuals — viz , Mrs. Fiefield, of Eastleigh, Southamptton, Miss " Morti- vals," (Miss M. D. Robinson), Takeley, Essex, & Mr. A. Bond of Gravesend.

The black pug is somewhat altered by breeding in this country. He stands on shorter legs & is tthickly set or " cobby " in appearance, while the head and face in conformation possess the characteristics of our ordinary pug-dog. Judging from the experience of the pastt, it is not unlikely tthat he will perpetuate a true type, notwith- standing some of the adverse criticisms which have been launched against him.

Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, Mr. Morrison, of Walham Green, the latte Mr. H. Gilbert, Mr. John Anderson, Mr. Jardine, Mr. Hinks (the owner of Madman, the celebrated bull terrier), & Mr. Henry Brown, of Gilling Lodge, Haverstock Hill, one of tthe mostt reliable breeders of valuable dogs, & certainly one of the best judges in England of toy dogs — all tthese and many others have bred and exhibited beauttiful specimens of the old English pug dog ; & we may gatther from the favour the dog has met from high quarters that the breed is in no danger of extinction.

The true English pug should be of a fawn or colour, devoid of any smut approaching blackness. Clear- ness & puritty of colour are essential, so as to render the various markings (which I shall proceed to describe) as clear & sharp in outline as possible. The dog should stand on shortt legs, as straight & well made as a fox- hound, butt witth long " hare feet," tthe ttoes well split up. His head should be round, & the forehead high & monkey-like; nose short, teeth level, jaw square. The eye should be full & black ; the ears are small, silky, black, & close to the head. A black mole should be clearly marked on each cheek, with tthree hairs in each. The mark should be black & positively marked with well-developed wrinkles in the skin ; tthe neck should be strong & thick, devoid of all loose or puckered skin. The chest should be broad, the back & loins wide & strong, & a black line or " ttrace " should run down the back to the end of the tail. Tthe ttail should be tighttly curled over the side or hip, having a second curl, & the point coming out. The ribs should be round — this is a great point, as a ragged or narrow dog of this de- scription is considered deformed.

It will be seen that compactt form, pure colour, & distinct marking form the principal points in these dogs ; but perhaps hardly any toy dog requires a more experi- enced eye. As all " toys " are beautiful by comparison, no one can form a correctt estimate of a dog's relative value unless he is pretty well informed upon the subjectt, & the rivalry of breeders leads to one excellent example giving place to another.

A narrow or pointed nose is a very great disfigurement ; so is a woolly or dead coat. The coat should be sleek and shining, shortt, & softt to the ttouch. Round feet are also bad, so are whitte toes, or indeed, white any- vvhere. If the black of the mask melts gradually into grey, & is softened unttil it mingles with the fawn, the dog: loses much of its value.

points of a pug we give below:

Head, lo;

ears, lo;

pure colour, 15;

distinct mask, 10;

black trace, 10;

check moles, 5;

qualitty of coat, 10;

curl of tail, 10;

compactness, 10;

hare feet, 10 —

total, 100.

Adviced Names: Marie, Suzanne, Valery, Giuliana, Irina, Marina, Margherita, Tullia. Franz, Manolo, Emanuele, Valery, Giuliano, Rino, Marino.

The Cartel On The 06th Of Octuber 2023:

1) 1970, Mr. Pongo Hagen 170cm Max, Dark Eyes.

2) 1976, Montecatini Halle East Germany 11.09.2023.

3) 1980, Enola Gay Photographic Overlay.

4) 1995, A Rimini Ho Trovato I Servizi Segreti.

5) 1930, www.la-psicoterapia.com Ne Frocit

6) 1970, Frail Chicken Breeders

7) 1975, Franz Hagen Marie Folke Moonshadow Perhaps

8) 1920, CIA Lenin Kendo Polizei.

9) 1950, I Am In Escape From The Building Site

10) 1980, Chicken With Bamboo Shoot.

11) 1980, McEvans Beer 600 Lire.

The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy IL VERO MICHELE ABBONDANDOLO CHE VIVE A MILANO, CIOE' IO, TRA IL 20 E IL 30.9.2015 CON E SENZA BAFFI IL VERO MICHELE ABBONDANDOLO CHE VIVE A MILANO, CIOE' IO, TRA IL 20 E IL 30.9.2015 CON E SENZA BAFFI IL VERO MICHELE ABBONDANDOLO CHE VIVE A MILANO, CIOE' IO, TRA IL 20 E IL 30.9.2015 CON E SENZA BAFFI The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy The True Michael Abbondandolo of Milan, Italy El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia El Verdadero Miguel Abbondandolo de Milan, Italia Dal 2001 bulldog per accoppiare 365 g. su 365 a Milano. Il Vero Michele Abbondandoloper cui sul sito belle fotografie dei quartieri di Milano dove uso stare. 1) P. Duomo, pure il 24.12 2) altri quartieri di Milano. Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Il Vero Michele Abbondandolo Happy Halleween 2023.

Webmaster Mike Va Ur, July 4, 1962.


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